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Category: Queen Victoria

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The Head Boy of King Edward's Grammar School and the Head Girl of the High School Presenting an Address and a Bouquet. The Reception Pavilion of the New Victoria Law Courts
The Illustrated London News
30x40 cm
GB£20 + p&p



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The Queen's Visit to Epping Forest: Her Majesty Receiving the Address of the Corporation
The Illustrated London News
30x40 cm
GB£20 + p&p



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The Queen's Visit to Florence: En Route for the Villa Fabbricotti
The Illustrated London News
30x40 cm
GB£20 + p&p



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Remember, the illustrations are not perfect, but each makes an envious artefact to own and cherish. The few shown here are indicative of the fascinating glimpses of Victorian life that are available from Victorian Illustrations.

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